Dignity Canada Dignité
Recommended Books of Interest to LGBT Faithful
During the past two or
three decades, volumes of positive, inspirational and scriptural studies have
been written that are definitely relevant to our spiritual journeys, whether or
not we are regular church goers. Such reading materials, including those
listed below, are not likely to be available in any Catholic bookstore. These,
plus all the others in my personal collection were discovered in gay bookstores
in various cities I have visited. They are also available from online stores
such as amazon.com. By recommending the books listed here, I am also inviting
others to submit your titles you have found meaningful. At this point in time,
may I suggest not submitting titles of gay novels. The examples listed here
should indicate how to list the titles, etc. with a brief review of each book.
Please submit them to me at my personal e-mail address:
pastpresident@dignitycanada.org. On the
website, the books should be listed as follows: title, author, a few chapter
headings or topics the author is attempting to address, then your brief review.
Happy reading to all.
Dennis Benoit
Past President, Dignity Canada Dignité
Power and Sex in the Catholic Church: Reclaiming the Spirit of Jesus
By Geoffrey Robinson
Liturgical Press, 2008
- Healthy People in a Healthy Relationship
with a Healthy God
- The Two Books of God
- Spiritual Discernment
- An Eternal Plan, a Sharing of Life and the Reign of God
- ‘Like His Brothers and Sisters in Every Respect’
- In Service of God’s People
- The Authority of ‘the Church’
- Free and Responsible
- A Turbulence and a Whirlpool
- The Return to an Original Sexual Ethic
- A Dark Grace, a Severe Mercy
- The Prison of the Past
- A Government in which All Participate
- A Change of Heart and Mind
Most. Rev. Geoffrey James Robinson,
Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of the Archdiocese of Sydney, Australia writes that,
through his work over several years on sexual abuse cases and considering the
weak response of the organization to this crisis, “…I came to the unshakeable
belief that within the Catholic Church there absolutely must be profound and
enduring change. In particular, there must be change on the two subjects of
power and sex.” (p. 8)
The existing approach to sexual morality
is historically based on the Hebrew ethics of purity and property. Catholic
thinking has also been dependent on the writings of Philo of Alexandria – a
contemporary of Jesus of Nazareth – and Greek writers concerning the ‘natural’
purpose of sexuality. Early Christian thinkers also bought into this approach.
But in the gospels, Jesus radically rejected both the purity ethic and the
property ethic.
Can a renewed sexual morality be based
on something other than assessing whether an act is against nature and therefore
a direct offence against God? As a part of a meditation, Robinson writes “‘Love
one another’, said Jesus, that is, make sure that your relationships with other
persons are based on more than your own self-interest or pleasure. Make sure
they are relationships that avoid all harm and do everything positive to help
others to grow to become all they are capable of being.” (p. 214) This is
certainly consistent with the writings of John Shelby Spong with which I’m
familiar. A renewed sexual morality should be based on both the teachings of
Jesus and our knowledge of God that comes from the world around and within us.
As also described in Gary Wills’ book
“Papal Sin: Structures of Deceit,” Robinson argues that a potential fatal flaw
of the institution is its insistence that the hierarchy’s teachings cannot be
wrong in at least faith and morals. What may appear to be its strength
may actually be the kiss of death for the institution. Robinson points out that
the trend of creeping infallibility imposes unnecessary demands on people, and
goes against the ‘freedom to grow’ that is at the heart of his book.
In an effort to present constructive
criticism, Robinson outlines possible new models of governance involving the
pope, bishops and the whole church. He emphasizes joint responsibility and
dialogue at all levels in the church. However, we must see ourselves as
responsible adults, rather than as children who are simply asked to obey.
Robinson’s book has a great deal to
offer LGBT persons. To me, its main accomplishment is its description of
systemic factors that contributed to the sexual abuse by clergy and religious in
the Catholic Church. These factors have also produced other forms of
dysfunction in the organization, including outdated, irrelevant and perhaps even
immoral sexual theology. The life, execution and resurrection of Jesus call out
for a renewed organization. I definitely recommend the book.
Submitted by
Frank Testin
President, Dignity Canada Dignité
Shalt Not Love – What Evangelicals Really Say to Gays
By: Patrick M. Chapman, PhD
Haiduk Press, 2008
- The Rainbow and the Cross
- Evangelical Reality
- Faith versus Science
- The Bible: Culture and History
- Fade to Gray: The Bible and Homosexuality
- Gender Confusion?
- Diverse Sexualities: An Anthropologist’s Perspective
- With This Ring
- The Cross versus the Rainbow
- The Rainbow Cross
The author is a gay Christian
anthropologist who, as a member of an evangelical church, underwent reparative
therapy. Its failure led him to investigate scientific and biblical evidence
about homosexuality. The book presents what Patrick Chapman learned as his
worldview changed from that of a typical evangelical Christian to the one he now
holds as an anthropologist, a Christian and a homosexual person. His views are
based on the research of biblical scholars, anthropologists, sociologists,
psychologists, biologists, and other scientists and scholars.
Chapman points out that evangelical
leaders often define homosexuality in terms of behaviour. If persons were to
stop engaging in homosexual behaviour, they therefore would no longer
homosexual. Chapman presents an alternative perspective, as expressed by Daniel
Helminiak, PhD, PhD who wrote an extensive Foreword:
“ Sexuality
means much more than physical arousal and orgasm. Attached to a person’s
sexuality is the capacity to feel affection, to delight in someone else, to get
emotionally close to another person, to be passionately committed to him or
her. Sexuality is at the core of that marvellous human experience, being in
love.” (p. 7)
Chapman’s book tries to describe the
worldview held by many evangelical persons. Much is based on fear and guilt,
and an uncritical acceptance of the teachings presented by evangelical leaders.
Certain biblical passages are emphasized while other related ones are
completely ignored. The book points out that this approach to Christianity,
which asserts in part that the Bible is the literal, inerrant word of God, has
its roots in the late 1800’s. (This is about the same time as Pope Pius IX in
the Roman Catholic Church pronounced the doctrine of papal infallibility. Is it
a coincidence that this longing for religious certainty by followers and/or
power by their leaders occurred at about the same time?) The book is successful
in helping the reader to understand where an evangelical Christian is coming
from. For example, “Because many evangelicals believe homosexuality is a sin
that will condemn its practitioners to hell … ‘Love’ is about saving souls, not
about treating others with compassion, respect and dignity; to do so is regarded
as enabling sinful behaviour” (p. 269).
What relevance is this book to LGBT
Catholics? First, it certainly is very helpful for us to understand and
empathize with the challenges faced by our LGBT brothers and sisters growing up
in an evangelical Christian denomination. It may also apply to our situation if
we replace the ‘inerrant word of God as found in the Bible’, with the (faulty)
assumption of an inerrant Catholic magesterium. One could argue that the
document “Pastoral Ministry to Young People with Same-sex Attraction” released
by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops in June 2011 promotes the same
bottom-line message as found in this book’s title. Second, I highly recommend
the book as a good resource on current thoughts about human homosexuality from
the biological and social sciences, as well as from mainstream biblical
Submitted by Frank Testin
President, Dignity Canada Dignité
as God Intended
by John J. McNeill
Lethe Press, 2008
- What the Old Testament Says about
Human Sexuality
- Play and the Song of Songs
- Human Sexuality as a Form of Play
- What Makes Human Activity Play?
- Sex in the New Testament
- What Went Wrong
- The Providential Role of Gay Marriage
- Epilogue
- Part 2: Festschrift
This book which I discovered at the 2011
Dignity USA convention in Washington, D.C. presents the thoughtful views of John
McNeill on lesbian and gay (LG) sex. In contrast to the condemning judgements
made by the Roman Catholic magisterium especially since 1986, he proposes, based
on the lived experience of many LG persons and his work as a priest and
psychotherapist, that LG sex can be wholesome and affirmative. He is critical
of the Vatican in its failure to listen to the many theologians and biblical
scholars who simply do not see any prohibition in the Bible of sexual activity
between consenting LG persons. Temple prostitution, rape and other forms of
abuse, and a desire for cultural/religious purity are the likely targets of the
few prohibitions that one might glean from the Bible. The Vatican has also
ignored the lives and stories of its LG members and, in this rejection, acts as
if the Spirit does not speak to the church through its baptised members.
In addition to procreation which can
certainly be a goal of heterosexual sex, McNeill proposes that an important
purpose of sex for anyone is simply play, as described in Genesis 2 and
the Song of Songs. In one section of his book, he describes the
distinguishing features of playful activity, and contrasts it with work or
control. He also notes that “As we evolve toward spiritual maturity, each of us
must struggle with our sexual drive so that, with God’s grace, it will cease to
a totally selfish destructive force and become instead a power integrated into
our personality as a means of communicating love.” (p. 71) This is a requisite
on the path to becoming fully human. He also notes that “It has always been the
prophetic role of lesbians and gay men to lead the Church and Western culture
toward embracing embodiment, a sense of identity with the body and its
sensuousness …. We must learn how to live in, enjoy and celebrate our bodies and
their sexuality with gratitude to God.” (p. 76-77)
The last section of the book is a set of
congratulatory essays prepared by a dozen or so persons, such as Rev. Troy Perry
and Sister Jeannine Gramick, honouring John McNeill for his contributions, and
spelling out how his work influenced their life and work.
I was especially encouraged by John
McNeill’s book after reading the paper entitled “Pastoral Ministry to Young
People with Same-Sex Attraction” prepared by the Episcopal Commission for
Doctrine of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (June 2011). I think
that many LG persons who simply do not buy into the institution’s blanket demand
for celibacy will relate to John McNeill’s book which provides well grounded
pastoral advice to the vast majority of LG persons who are clearly not called to
a life of celibacy. In contrast, John McNeill’s book is a breath of fresh air
as it presents a psychologically sound path for LG persons to become more mature
in all aspects of their lives, including their sexuality and spirituality. We
will grow in love of self, God and others.
Submitted by Frank Testin
President, Dignity Canada Dignité
Manly Eunuch
Masculinity, Gender Ambiguity, and Christian Ideology in Late Antiquity
By Mathew Kuefler
- Masculine Splendor
- A Purity He Does Not Show Himself
- I Am a Soldier of Christ
- We Priests Have Our Own Nobility
- Sanctity and Gender Ambiguity
- Women Becoming Men in the Christian West
- Eunuchs For the Sake of the Kingdom of God
While browsing through the religion and spirituality section of Little Sisters,
a queer bookstore in Vancouver, what caught my immediate attention besides the
title, was the author's name, Mathew Kuefler. In fact, Mathew was a Dignity
member in the Edmonton chapter where I first met him in the early 80's. He has
since received his Ph.D. from Yale University and is now assistant professor of
history at San Diego State University. As the book title suggests, this is a
very scholarly work, loaded with footnotes, and an impressive bibliography,
which by the way, includes John Boswell's book: "Christianity, Social Tolerance,
and Homosexuality - Gay People in Western Europe From the Beginning of the
Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century". Boswell's book is also a must-read and
still in print. Why Mathew focused his research on the period roughly late
fourth century to early fifth century when the pagan Roman Empire officially
embraced Christianity, was to learn what aspects of masculinity changed and what
remained the same during this period. And let me mention here that while Mathew
explored the reality of masculinity in all its forms, he also researched
feminism and the role of women during this period as well. While the conversion
of the Roman aristocracy to Christianity provided new benefits to both men and
women, it also created new restrictions for both men and women. Do any of the
above insights presented by Mathew provide any relevance for us believers today
queer or otherwise? He does give us a hint when he writes: "Just as the men and
women of late antiquity were obliged to respond to social factors beyond their
control, however, there are social changes happening in the modern world,
including greater sexual equality and greater sexual freedoms, that all must
take into account... and just as men and women of late antiquity rejected the
sterility and incoherence of traditional Roman paganism, we will reject the
traditions of Christian ideology on gender and sexuality for a more satisfying
system of values and beliefs". Do read Mathew Kuefler's conclusion to find out
Submitted by
Dennis Benoit
Past President, Dignity Canada Dignité
and Catholic
By Amie M. Evans; Trebor Healey - Editors
- I Was Always a Marian Heretic
- Fragments From a Catholic Girl's Memory
- The Tree And the Cross
- Chain of Fools
- Lesbian Catechism: Samplings From a Life
- Fully Human, Fully Alive (The author, Salvadore Sapienza, reminisces about his
friendship with Fr. Mychal Judge, a Roman Catholic Franciscan priest, a Dignity member of New
York and Chaplain of the N.Y. Fire Department. Fr. Judge died while trying to assist the firefighters
when the World Trade Center towers collapsed on the morning of Sept.11, 2001).
- A Nun Story
In this collection of true life stories, Queer and Catholic examines the culture
of how being raised Catholic informs and influences, positively or negatively,
our queerness. To find out just who among the contributors of this book has left
active participation in any Catholic parish and who still remain, you must read
for yourself and discover the reason for their decision. You will be amazed how
we all can relate in some way to the experiences of these very thoughtful and
joyful individuals. Let me now quote the editors' book dedication: "For all the
kind Catholics who told us to never be ashamed of ourselves".
Submitted by
Dennis Benoit
Past President, Dignity Canada Dignité
Since My Last Confession: A Gay
Catholic Memoir
by Scott Pomfret
Love, J2P2
- A Habit Worse
than Porn
“R” Us
Living on the
Liturgical Edge
The Empire
Strikes Back
Acts of the (Gay)
I See Broken
People Everywhere
Last Chance for
Scott Pomfret is a lawyer who in his
spare time writes erotic short stories which have appeared in PlayGuy,
Honcho and similar publications, and has also written a half dozen novels
such as Hot Sauce and Spare Parts. In Since My Last Confession
he reflects on his experiences with the church in which he was raised. We meet
personalities with colourful names such as Father Bear-Daddy, Father Kick-Me and
Mama Bear.
I’d like to give two excerpts from
Scott’s book to give you a flavour of his witty style. In the introductory
author’s note, he writes: “I am the wrong person to write this book. I’ve met
hundreds of Catholics far better suited to the task. They walk old ladies across
the street, and visit the sick, and clothe the naked, and bury abandoned babies,
and adopt ailing children with birth defects from Cambodian crack houses, and
experience rainbow stigmata. Me? Not so much. I am not pretty enough for
prime time, a bad godfather, a worse boyfriend, and … a really poor sugar
daddy. Worst of all, I am impious, irreverent, and a shade profane. … This is
not an attack on the Church. It’s an invitation to laugh.”
Visiting Dignity for the first time:
“Boston gave me a choice among gay Catholic groups: one was called Dignity and
the other was called Courage. While the groups’ differences, theological and
otherwise, are legion, they may be fairly summed up as follows: Dignity members
get to engage in the sin that cries out to heaven for vengeance; Courage members
opt for celibacy. I struggled with this difficult choice for three long
milliseconds, then opted for Dignity. … At the exchange of peace, I extended my
hand to my immediate neighbour. Dagger glances shot from every corner of the
room. Is my fly down? Did I not wash my hands? Do they know I’m not 99 percent
good? Someone muscled my offending hand aside, and a series of strangers
quickly moved in for full-body contact. The dyke sitting next to me gave me a
kiss on the mouth. Everyone in the room had to be hugged – some of them twice.
An average friar at the Shrine could have crammed two Masses into the span of
time it took the Dignitarians to exchange peace.”
Scott attends St. Anthony Shrine, an the
inner-city parish in Boston run by Franciscan friars who really mean “All are
welcome.” He became a lector and also a member of its GLBT Spirituality Group.
The parish is attended by many poor and homeless, as well as neighbourhood GLBT
persons. He was certainly aware of the Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger’s 1986
Halloween letter and similar, subsequent letters from J2P2. In Boston during
the sexual abuse scandal, which included those in the hierarchy at the highest
levels, friends and co-workers challenged him: “How can you support a church
that did this?!” “Where is your pope now?!” Life was tough for any Catholic in
Boston during this tumultuous time and for a gay Catholic it was especially
trying in also being attacked by the Vatican. In this book, Scott Pomfret
relates his ways of handling his love-hate struggle with the institution – and
the directive of Jesus to love one’s enemies. He maintained his right as a
baptized Catholic to remain in the organization despite its spiritual abuses. He
also symbolically adopted the new Cardinal Sean O’Malley.
Scott’s faith, humour, adaptability and
other coping mechanisms served him reasonably well, … until he faced the gay
marriage issue in Massachusetts. In 2007, the Cardinal urged Catholics to
contact their legislators to support a petition to put to popular vote an
amendment to its constitution to ban gay (equal) marriage. 50 votes out of 200
were required in the second constitutional convention, after it passed the
first. The Cardinal applied all of the forces at his disposal to convince
legislators to vote in support of the petition. For example, the Cardinal
personally called all Catholic legislators, he prepared articles for inclusion
in church bulletins, and petitions were made available for signing at church
entrances. The final vote on June 14, 2007 was: 151-45, with support (against
the ban) coming from some surprising sources.
Were the actions of the archdiocese on
the political front the last straw for Scott? Did he finally turn walk away
from the abusive organization? Find out in Since My Last Confession – a
worthwhile read.
Submitted by
Frank Testin
President, Dignity Canada Dignité
Transcended Christian
Spiritual Lessons For the Twenty-First Century
by Daniel Helminiak
- What to do when your religion has failed your beliefs? When your life
experience exceeds that of your clergy
- The Spiritual in Our Hearts
- A Lesson From the Gay Experience
- The Sacred Need For Relaxation
- The Reign of Goodness
- Hope Amidst The Gloom of Life
- Spiritual, Not Biological Family
From the author of What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality and of our
own Dignity brochure: "Frequently Asked Questions about Dignity,
the Church, and Homosexuality" comes a very challenging, yet down-to-earth book. In it, Daniel Helminiak offers valuable insights into mostly New Testament scripture passages
which are closely arranged in the same liturgical order as presented in the
Catholic Church. Holding two Ph.D. degrees, yet no longer functioning officially
as a priest, Daniel continues to serve God's people as a professor, lecturer,
and author, while remaining a friend of Dignity. Among Helminiak's comments that
I found very interesting is the one he presented on Jesus' first miracle
(John 2:1-11) at a wedding celebration in Cana. This event, recorded only in
John's Gospel, symbolizes, according to Helminiak, God's marriage to humanity,
and so any wedding need not be limited to that between a man and woman only.
Daniel saves his criticism of the Catholic papacy for the end of his
book, stating that Pope Benedict XVI stands for a staunch, conservative,
authoritative Christianity which leaves little or no room for gay loving
Submitted by
Dennis Benoit
Past President, Dignity Canada Dignité
Man Jesus Loved
Homoerotic Narratives From the New Testament
by Theodore W. Jennings, Jr.
- The Lover and His Beloved
- The Centurion's "Lad"
- A Critique of the Family
- Was Jesus Gay?
A Ph.D. holder, Jennings is a professor of Biblical and constructive theology at
Chicago Theological Seminary and a United Methodist clergyman. In his book he
proposes a gay affirmative reading of the Bible in the hope of respecting the
integrity of certain texts and making them more clear as well as more
persuasive. And, like Helminiak, Jennings provides clear evidence of the public
ministry of Christ who included the spiritual family a well as the biological.
For Christ, it is the urgent need for healing that would merit His attention,
not the status, gender, or type of relationship involved. One favourite comment
of Jennings I enjoyed is when he states: "...with respect to the issue of a
gay-affirmative rereading of the New Testament, we can say that the view of
sexuality as oriented to the need and desire of the other means that no basis in
principle exists for the disqualification of same-sex relationships, whether
between women or men." Amen to that.
Submitted by
Dennis Benoit
Past President, Dignity Canada Dignité
To Love
Liturgies for the
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community
by Geoffrey Duncan
- Family Prayer During Coming Out Process
- The Blessing of Diversity
- Sexuality and Spirituality
- Blessing For a Pride Parade
- A Series of Pride Litanies Based on the Psalms
- A Service of Affirmation and Blessing
"Courage To Love" is a collection of worship materials which allow LGBT people
to affirm their sexuality in a prayerful gathering. Included are many personal
stories, reflections, essays, poems, prayers, litanies, same-sex blessings,
marriage ceremonies, Eucharistic liturgies relevant to almost every situation
involving LGBT believers. Contributors (women and men are equally represented)
come from many countries such as the U.K., U.S.A. Germany, and Canada to name
only a few, and all liturgies, etc. use inclusive language. This book
successfully addresses the needs of those LGBT believers who, for whatever
reason, are not regular church-goers of any denomination, but still entertain a
desire to gather with others in members' homes for worship. I have already
introduced some of the liturgies in my Vancouver chapter home gatherings with
appreciation from those attending.
Submitted by
Dennis Benoit
Past President, Dignity Canada Dignité |