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Dignity Canada Dignité
is Canada's organization of Roman Catholics who are concerned about our church's sexual theology, particularly as it pertains to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons. Membership is open to all who share our concerns.

We work within and without the Church to promote the full personhood of those who belong to sexual minorities, and we celebrate our sexuality as a gift of God. We believe our loving relationships are intrinsically good, and worthy of recognition as marriage in civil law as well as in the eyes of God.
We urge our church leaders to consider modern scientific understandings of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender equality, and to revise the church's teachings accordingly. We work in collaboration with other Catholic organizations seeking reform in our church's leadership and teachings, and we publicly challenge church leaders whenever they preach hatred and discrimination of LGBT people, or oppose us in our quest for full citizenship.

We claim our rightful place as members of Christ’s mystical body and participants in the sacramental life of the church, openly and visibly as LGBT persons of conscience.

We of Dignity Canada Dignité do not wish to be confused with so-called Catholic ministries which premise that we are objectively disordered, intrinsically evil persons in need of conversion.

We believe that, in terms of our life experience, no one can, nor should, speak for us but ourselves.

Dignity operates local chapters in several Canadian cities where members come together for prayer and social activities; our newsletter brings members news and editorials of interest to LGBT Catholics.

Our chapters across Canada:


Dignity Canada Dignité 
National Officers


President: Frank Testin, Toronto
Norman Prince, Montreal
Treasurer: Kevin Simpson, Vancouver

Norman Prince, 


see us on Facebook


Suggested Readings

A Christmas Message from the President of Dignity Canada Dignité

Revision of Catholic Sexual Ethics

Annual Report from the President of Dignity Canada Dignité

Spiritual Reflection:
Jesus and the Leper: the Touch that Restores

In our LGBT community, we know something of the reality of being a leper.

Recommended Books of Interest to LGBT Catholics

Queer Spirit: Mystery and Sacrament on Brokeback Mountain 

Pastoral Ministry to Young People: Two Perspectives

Sexual Ethics: Experience, Growth, and Challenge - A Pastoral Reflection for Lesbian and Gay Catholics by the Dignity Task Force on Sexual Ethics (1989)

Letter on Pastoral Care of Gay and Lesbian Persons (1987): Dignity's response to the Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church (1986)

What the Bible says about homosexuality and other frequently asked questions

Is Homosexuality a Sin?
nineteen theologians were asked

Official Roman Catholic doctrine about homosexual persons as written in the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Encyclicals, pastoral letters, and other statements concerning homosexual persons from our bishops in Rome and at home

Frequently Asked Questions about being gay and Catholic

Historical news and opinion articles from the media

Bible Search Engine:  Try it!

Subscribe to our newsletter: send a blank message to subscribe@dignitycanada.org

Travelling? Dignity/USA online begins here

since 11/11/2019